Falkvinge : Livre "Swarmwise" - La sagesse de l'essaim

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Dernière modification : 23 juillet 2013 à 13:05

ERRATUM : une traduction plus correcte serait plutot "la connaissance de l'essaim" ( au lieu de "la sagesse de l'essaim" )
vu sur https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/624651180892779/ , https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153043436330344&id=183950378356724 , https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/623543877670176/?comment_id=624569504234280&offset=0&total_comments=20 et https://www.facebook.com/rickfalkvinge/posts/10151575512333042

"The tactical manual to changing the world"

(Comment tirer parti de la puissance de l'essaim pour changer le monde)

pdf : http://falkvinge.net/files/2013/04/Swarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1-Final-2013Jul18.pdf

annonce : http://falkvinge.net/2013/07/19/book-launch-swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world/

chapitre 1 : http://falkvinge.net/2013/02/14/swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world-chapter-one/

Les 10 chapitres :

  1. Understanding The Swarm
  2. Launching Your Swarm
  3. Getting Your Swarm Organized: Herding Cats
  4. Control The Vision, But Never The Message (May 1)
  5. Keep Everybody’s Eyes On Target, And Paint It Red Daily (Jun 1)
  6. Screw Democracy, We’re On A Mission From God (July 1)
  7. Surviving Growth Unlike Anything The MBAs Have Seen (Aug 1)
  8. Using Social Dynamics To Their Potential (Sep 1)
  9. Managing Oldmedia (Oct 1)
  10. Beyond Success (Nov 1)

"A rough listing of the topics in the ten chapters would say that the book covers the concept of a swarm, how to launch one, how to get it organized to cover the streets, how to stage effective street rallies, how to use the swarm for getting the message out in social ways they don’t teach you at marketing school, how to make people and the swarm stay on target, how to resolve conflicts, how to maintain leadership in times of crazy growth, advanced swarm techniques with social media, how to manage oldmedia (TV/radio/newspapers), how to manage your own success, and tons, tons more. Overall, I haven’t seen the contents of this book anywhere else, so I felt it needed to be written."

extraits : "Characteristics of a Swarm Organization" , "Why I don't believe in leaderless swarms" : http://p2pfoundation.net/Swarmwise

Pierro78 (discussion)22 juillet 2013 à 10:29

ERRATUM : une traduction plus correcte serait plutot "la connaissance de l'essaim" ( au lieu de "la sagesse de l'essaim" )
vu sur https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/624651180892779/ , https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153043436330344&id=183950378356724 , https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/623543877670176/?comment_id=624569504234280&offset=0&total_comments=20 et https://www.facebook.com/rickfalkvinge/posts/10151575512333042

"The tactical manual to changing the world"

(Comment tirer parti de la puissance de l'essaim pour changer le monde)

pdf : http://falkvinge.net/files/2013/04/Swarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1-Final-2013Jul18.pdf

annonce : http://falkvinge.net/2013/07/19/book-launch-swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world/

chapitre 1 : http://falkvinge.net/2013/02/14/swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world-chapter-one/

Les 10 chapitres :

  1. Understanding The Swarm
  2. Launching Your Swarm
  3. Getting Your Swarm Organized: Herding Cats
  4. Control The Vision, But Never The Message (May 1)
  5. Keep Everybody’s Eyes On Target, And Paint It Red Daily (Jun 1)
  6. Screw Democracy, We’re On A Mission From God (July 1)
  7. Surviving Growth Unlike Anything The MBAs Have Seen (Aug 1)
  8. Using Social Dynamics To Their Potential (Sep 1)
  9. Managing Oldmedia (Oct 1)
  10. Beyond Success (Nov 1)

"A rough listing of the topics in the ten chapters would say that the book covers the concept of a swarm, how to launch one, how to get it organized to cover the streets, how to stage effective street rallies, how to use the swarm for getting the message out in social ways they don’t teach you at marketing school, how to make people and the swarm stay on target, how to resolve conflicts, how to maintain leadership in times of crazy growth, advanced swarm techniques with social media, how to manage oldmedia (TV/radio/newspapers), how to manage your own success, and tons, tons more. Overall, I haven’t seen the contents of this book anywhere else, so I felt it needed to be written."

extraits : "Characteristics of a Swarm Organization" , "Why I don't believe in leaderless swarms" : http://p2pfoundation.net/Swarmwise

Pierro78 (discussion)22 juillet 2013 à 12:18

ERRATUM : une traduction plus correcte serait plutot "la connaissance de l'essaim" ( au lieu de "la sagesse de l'essaim" )
vu sur https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/624651180892779/ , https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153043436330344&id=183950378356724 , https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/623543877670176/?comment_id=624569504234280&offset=0&total_comments=20 et https://www.facebook.com/rickfalkvinge/posts/10151575512333042

"The tactical manual to changing the world"

(Comment tirer parti de la puissance de l'essaim pour changer le monde)

pdf : http://falkvinge.net/files/2013/04/Swarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1-Final-2013Jul18.pdf

annonce : http://falkvinge.net/2013/07/19/book-launch-swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world/

chapitre 1 : http://falkvinge.net/2013/02/14/swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world-chapter-one/

Les 10 chapitres :

  1. Understanding The Swarm
  2. Launching Your Swarm
  3. Getting Your Swarm Organized: Herding Cats
  4. Control The Vision, But Never The Message (May 1)
  5. Keep Everybody’s Eyes On Target, And Paint It Red Daily (Jun 1)
  6. Screw Democracy, We’re On A Mission From God (July 1)
  7. Surviving Growth Unlike Anything The MBAs Have Seen (Aug 1)
  8. Using Social Dynamics To Their Potential (Sep 1)
  9. Managing Oldmedia (Oct 1)
  10. Beyond Success (Nov 1)

"A rough listing of the topics in the ten chapters would say that the book covers the concept of a swarm, how to launch one, how to get it organized to cover the streets, how to stage effective street rallies, how to use the swarm for getting the message out in social ways they don’t teach you at marketing school, how to make people and the swarm stay on target, how to resolve conflicts, how to maintain leadership in times of crazy growth, advanced swarm techniques with social media, how to manage oldmedia (TV/radio/newspapers), how to manage your own success, and tons, tons more. Overall, I haven’t seen the contents of this book anywhere else, so I felt it needed to be written."

extraits : "Characteristics of a Swarm Organization" , "Why I don't believe in leaderless swarms" : http://p2pfoundation.net/Swarmwise

Pierro78 (discussion)22 juillet 2013 à 14:56

ERRATUM : une traduction plus correcte serait plutot "la connaissance de l'essaim" ( au lieu de "la sagesse de l'essaim" )
vu sur https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/624651180892779/ , https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153043436330344&id=183950378356724 , https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/623543877670176/?comment_id=624569504234280&offset=0&total_comments=20 et https://www.facebook.com/rickfalkvinge/posts/10151575512333042

"The tactical manual to changing the world"

(Comment tirer parti de la puissance de l'essaim pour changer le monde)

pdf : http://falkvinge.net/files/2013/04/Swarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1-Final-2013Jul18.pdf

annonce : http://falkvinge.net/2013/07/19/book-launch-swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world/

chapitre 1 : http://falkvinge.net/2013/02/14/swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world-chapter-one/

Les 10 chapitres :

  1. Understanding The Swarm
  2. Launching Your Swarm
  3. Getting Your Swarm Organized: Herding Cats
  4. Control The Vision, But Never The Message (May 1)
  5. Keep Everybody’s Eyes On Target, And Paint It Red Daily (Jun 1)
  6. Screw Democracy, We’re On A Mission From God (July 1)
  7. Surviving Growth Unlike Anything The MBAs Have Seen (Aug 1)
  8. Using Social Dynamics To Their Potential (Sep 1)
  9. Managing Oldmedia (Oct 1)
  10. Beyond Success (Nov 1)

"A rough listing of the topics in the ten chapters would say that the book covers the concept of a swarm, how to launch one, how to get it organized to cover the streets, how to stage effective street rallies, how to use the swarm for getting the message out in social ways they don’t teach you at marketing school, how to make people and the swarm stay on target, how to resolve conflicts, how to maintain leadership in times of crazy growth, advanced swarm techniques with social media, how to manage oldmedia (TV/radio/newspapers), how to manage your own success, and tons, tons more. Overall, I haven’t seen the contents of this book anywhere else, so I felt it needed to be written."

extraits : "Characteristics of a Swarm Organization" , "Why I don't believe in leaderless swarms" : http://p2pfoundation.net/Swarmwise

Pierro78 (discussion)23 juillet 2013 à 16:30

ERRATUM : une traduction plus correcte serait plutot "la connaissance de l'essaim" ( au lieu de "la sagesse de l'essaim" )
vu sur https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/624651180892779/ , https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153043436330344&id=183950378356724 , https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/623543877670176/?comment_id=624569504234280&offset=0&total_comments=20 et https://www.facebook.com/rickfalkvinge/posts/10151575512333042

"The tactical manual to changing the world"

(Comment tirer parti de la puissance de l'essaim pour changer le monde)

pdf : http://falkvinge.net/files/2013/04/Swarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1-Final-2013Jul18.pdf

annonce : http://falkvinge.net/2013/07/19/book-launch-swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world/

chapitre 1 : http://falkvinge.net/2013/02/14/swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world-chapter-one/

Les 10 chapitres :

  1. Understanding The Swarm
  2. Launching Your Swarm
  3. Getting Your Swarm Organized: Herding Cats
  4. Control The Vision, But Never The Message (May 1)
  5. Keep Everybody’s Eyes On Target, And Paint It Red Daily (Jun 1)
  6. Screw Democracy, We’re On A Mission From God (July 1)
  7. Surviving Growth Unlike Anything The MBAs Have Seen (Aug 1)
  8. Using Social Dynamics To Their Potential (Sep 1)
  9. Managing Oldmedia (Oct 1)
  10. Beyond Success (Nov 1)

"A rough listing of the topics in the ten chapters would say that the book covers the concept of a swarm, how to launch one, how to get it organized to cover the streets, how to stage effective street rallies, how to use the swarm for getting the message out in social ways they don’t teach you at marketing school, how to make people and the swarm stay on target, how to resolve conflicts, how to maintain leadership in times of crazy growth, advanced swarm techniques with social media, how to manage oldmedia (TV/radio/newspapers), how to manage your own success, and tons, tons more. Overall, I haven’t seen the contents of this book anywhere else, so I felt it needed to be written."

extraits : "Characteristics of a Swarm Organization" , "Why I don't believe in leaderless swarms" : http://p2pfoundation.net/Swarmwise

Pierro78 (discussion)8 décembre 2013 à 08:50

ERRATUM : une traduction plus correcte serait plutot "la connaissance de l'essaim" ( au lieu de "la sagesse de l'essaim" )
vu sur https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/624651180892779/ , https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153043436330344&id=183950378356724 , https://www.facebook.com/groups/gentilsvirus/permalink/623543877670176/?comment_id=624569504234280&offset=0&total_comments=20 et https://www.facebook.com/rickfalkvinge/posts/10151575512333042

"The tactical manual to changing the world"

(Comment tirer parti de la puissance de l'essaim pour changer le monde)

pdf : http://falkvinge.net/files/2013/04/Swarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1-Final-2013Jul18.pdf

annonce : http://falkvinge.net/2013/07/19/book-launch-swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world/

chapitre 1 : http://falkvinge.net/2013/02/14/swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world-chapter-one/

Les 10 chapitres :

  1. Understanding The Swarm
  2. Launching Your Swarm
  3. Getting Your Swarm Organized: Herding Cats
  4. Control The Vision, But Never The Message (May 1)
  5. Keep Everybody’s Eyes On Target, And Paint It Red Daily (Jun 1)
  6. Screw Democracy, We’re On A Mission From God (July 1)
  7. Surviving Growth Unlike Anything The MBAs Have Seen (Aug 1)
  8. Using Social Dynamics To Their Potential (Sep 1)
  9. Managing Oldmedia (Oct 1)
  10. Beyond Success (Nov 1)

"A rough listing of the topics in the ten chapters would say that the book covers the concept of a swarm, how to launch one, how to get it organized to cover the streets, how to stage effective street rallies, how to use the swarm for getting the message out in social ways they don’t teach you at marketing school, how to make people and the swarm stay on target, how to resolve conflicts, how to maintain leadership in times of crazy growth, advanced swarm techniques with social media, how to manage oldmedia (TV/radio/newspapers), how to manage your own success, and tons, tons more. Overall, I haven’t seen the contents of this book anywhere else, so I felt it needed to be written."

extraits : "Characteristics of a Swarm Organization" , "Why I don't believe in leaderless swarms" : http://p2pfoundation.net/Swarmwise

Pierro78 (discussion)5 mars 2017 à 08:41
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