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The Indefensibility of Political Representation
AUTEURS Gerard N. Casey  +
CREATIONTIMESTAMP 13 mai 2013 13:35:02  +
Difficulte En anglais, assez simple.
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MWPAGEID 1855  +
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PAGENAMESTRING The Indefensibility of Political Representation  +
REVISIONTIME 2013-05-13 19:51:59  +
REVISIONTIMESTAMP 13 mai 2013 19:51:59  +
Resume Un article académique (UCD School of PhiloUn article académique (UCD School of Philosophy) qui argumente que la représentation politique n'est pas défendable, et donc que la démocratie représentative n'est pas une démocratie. "If it is to be tenable, representative or indirect democracy requires a clear, robust, and defensible conception of representation. No such conception has been forthcoming, and it is doubtful if any ever will be forthcoming. It used to be said that only three things were definitely true of the Holy Roman Empire: it wasn't holy, it wasn't Roman, and it wasn't an empire. Similarly, two things are definitely true of representative democracy: it isn't democracy and it isn't representative."'t democracy and it isn't representative."
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Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The Indefensibility of Political Representation + , The 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