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Wakan Wochekiye - A Sacred Prayer 011 octobre 2014 à 16:07
Mots grecs pour dire amour030 septembre 2014 à 11:36

Wakan Wochekiye - A Sacred Prayer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJnS5l8_zug - http://melbrake.wordpress.com/2014/04/21/a-wakan-wochekiye-a-sacred-prayer/

May the Creator, Great Mystery, Wakan Tanka, bless You all the days of your life.

May your spirit be awake and aware… may it soar with gladness.

May your mind be sharp, and your body good & whole.

May you have internal strength, and gain knowledge and wisdom to guide your way.

May you walk tall in truth, honor & respect others.

May your journey on this world be long and prosperous.

May you always touch another’s soul with kindness.

May you give to yourself and others freely with joy and gladness.

May you keep sacred all the Creator has made, Mother Earth, the plants, the animals, the People… the water, wind and sky.

May you experience great love.

May you be blessed with family and true friends.

May you always evolve, transform and grow.


THE PRAYER: (From the Traditional Lakota Sioux)

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin ...All my relations. I honor you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge you in this prayer....

To the Creator, for the ultimate gift of life, I thank you.

To the mineral nation that has built and maintained my bones and all foundations of life experience, I thank you.

To the plant nation that sustains my organs and body and gives me healing herbs for sickness, I thank you.

To the animal nation that feeds me from your own flesh and offers your loyal companionship in this walk of life, I thank you.

To the human nation that shares my path as a soul upon the sacred wheel of Earthly life, I thank you.

To the Spirit nation that guides me invisibly through the ups and downs of life and for carrying the torch of light through the Ages, I thank you.

To the Four Winds of Change and Growth, I thank you.

You are all my relations, my relatives, without whom I would not live. We are in the circle of life together, co-existing, co-dependent, co-creating our destiny. One, not more important than the other. One nation evolving from the other and yet each dependent upon the one above and the one below. All of us a part of the Great Mystery.

Thank you for this Life.

Pierro78 (discussion)11 octobre 2014 à 16:05

Mots grecs pour dire amour

Discussion : https://www.facebook.com/smischel/posts/10152353177288199?comment_id=10152353330798199&offset=0&total_comments=82

wikipediafr:Mots grecs pour dire amour : en grec ancien, il n'y a pas un seul mot pour décrire l'amour, mais quatre ; suivant l'ordre alphabétique grec, on a :

  • Agapè (ἀγάπη / agápê) : l'amour désintéressé, divin, universel, inconditionnel ;
  • Éros (ἔρως / érôs) : l'amour naturel, la concupiscence, le plaisir corporel ;
  • Storgê (στοργή / storgế) : l'affection familiale, l'amour familial ;
  • Philia (φιλία / philía) : l'amitié, l'amour bienveillant, le plaisir de la compagnie.
Pierro78 (discussion)30 septembre 2014 à 11:36
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